Monday, July 11, 2011

Wedding worries and obsessions...

As I may have mentioned earlier in the blog, I am getting married in about 2 months. The closer the wedding gets the more and more nervous I get. I can feel my anxiety rising higher and higher especially when I am in the middle of planning of something or when I am idle and thought just keeps bubbling up. I especially get nervous when I wake up because I have more than likely had a horrible nightmare of things going wrong. I am not a bridezilla in any way, but I am definitely freaking out on the inside. I have dreams constantly that my fiance doesn't show up or decides not to marry me on the day of. Or I have thoughts/obsessions that something horrible happens days before the wedding like one of us gets sick, diagnosed with a major illness, gets in a car accident...etc. I am desperately trying to work through it, but I have also been finding myself trying to avoid the thoughts which is one of my problems that I face. Avoiding anxiety and OCD only gives it strength and rears its ugly head at a later date with more strength. I will have to blog more and more about how I handle this. I would love some advice.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why you should laugh at yourself...

While on a long car ride to visit my future in-laws I decided to watch "The Switch" with Jason Bateman and Jennifer Aniston. I had to laugh at Jason Bateman's character who is a little bit neurotic and definitely has some OCD issues. It brought a new perspective to my issues and how I should view them. I don't want to be labeled as a crazy person with obsessions about diseases, I want to be a little quirky. I want people to see it as just how I am. When he is talking to the little boy that he potentially fathered, the little boy (who is very smart) says to him "Uncle Wally, Do you ever worry about Parkinsons?" Jason Bateman's character answers by saying, "Not specifically Parkinson's but other diseases yes. I suppose you could say I am a bit of a hypochondriac." The little boy replies, " What's that?" Jason Bateman explains what a hypochondriac is and the little boy shrieks, "OMG! I THINK I HAVE THAT!" My fiance and I just busted out laughing. It felt so free to be able to laugh about my obsessions and "quirkiness." We joked then for the next 5 minutes about how my children will be quirky little kids like me. I know some of you may be wondering why I find this funny, but I have found that laughing at myself and about my obsessions makes it easier to overcome them. It makes me realize time and time again that the obsessions are stupid and FUNNY because they are not REAL. :) Laugh it up :)