Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What are my obsessions?? #2

Alright... Here it goes. Another one of my crazy obsessions is ants and cockroaches.I have never had any ants or cockroaches in my house, but I am terrified of getting them. Obviously, I clean like a maniac, but I always worry that these gross critters will find their way into my home. My father (who has minimal OCD issues) always used to tell us, "Make sure you don't leave dishes in the sink and make sure you wipe the counters! You don't want us to get ants!" I heard him repeat this 100 thousand times during my childhood. I got so accustomed to thinking that I had to do everything in my power to prevent bugs from getting in our home. I associate bugs with dirtiness. If you have ants then you are dirty. And if you have cockroaches then you are seriously filthy and will most likely have them for the rest of your life! Those are clearly OCD thoughts and not mine. One time I came home for lunch and noticed a beetle-like bug on my ceiling in my kitchen. It was the middle of the day and I started FREAKING out and screaming by myself in my house. LOL funny now but not then. I called my mom, my brother in law, my boyfriend, my dad and my sister. I had sent them all pics of the bug and demanded that they tell me right away if it were a cockroach. All of them said NO that is definitely a stink bug. My ugly OCD monster told me that they were all lying to me in order to calm me down and it was a cockroach. I called my boss and told him I had a family emergency and would be late coming back from lunch. I began to look in all of my cupboards for signs of cockroaches or ants. The whole time my heart racing and sweating like crazy. Of course I found nothing else. I googled pictures of cockroaches over and over. Then.... I called an exterminator. I requested that they come immediately, because I had to know... RIGHT THEN if it was a cockroach. After waiting for what seemed like an eternity (probably 45 minutes) the exterminator came in looked around and said... "Ma'am there is NO way you have cockroaches!" "I said you have to see this bug.. I am telling you it is one." He took one look at the bug and laughed again and said, "Uhhh this is a stink bug. It looks nothing like a cockroach." Of course, at this point I have a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders. I asked him to please spray anyway. He actually told me that it would be a huge waste of money because I had no pest problem. I demanded that he check for signs of bugs anyway. He did and said again, "You have no pest problem." LOL I felt better for the time being, but I still freak out at strange bugs anywhere in or around my house. I will have to share my ants freak out at another time... Stay Posted... Does anyone else have a weird fear of bugs?? I definitely would love to hear how you deal with it.

1 comment:

  1. YES! I though once that a beetle larva infestation in my bed...but I only freaked for a couple of hours...I calmed down after google-ing pictures of larva for about an hour and then realized that the bug I found probably just came from the my window that I had just opened after having been closed and was NOT bettle larva. I then vacuumed my bed and realized that I had no carpet in my room so there could be no carpet beetle larva infestation... I turn on my allergy fan thing on and left my room for the night, slept on the couch and then was fine by the next day and actually thought the whole thing was silly.
