Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why you should fight to get better

As I have said multiple times already, getting better is a hard road and is extremely scary.  If you choose to do the behavior modification/exposure therapy route than you will definitely feel like you are losing your mind and you cannot go on.  You need to stick with it! I promise you that exposure therapy really works. I cannot even begin to describe how much better I am. I want everyone in the world with OCD to feel better and get to the place where I am today. I would love to think that my OCD would go away forever, but I know that it isnt the case. Learning to accept your OCD is one of the first steps. You can live a normal, happy, awesome life.  This is why I have chosen to go back to school to get my Master's in Counseling. I really want to help others like my therapist has helped me. I think having anxiety/OCD allows me to have a better understanding of the problems and symptoms. Here is the trick... finding time and money to go back to school. If anyone has any great ideas for Graduate level scholarships... I would love to know.. Thanks!

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